One family's trip to Disney World

This is all about our trip driving from Manitoba Canada to Disney World Florida. Traveling through 16 states in 24 days! All the planning, all the excitement and everything along the way. A complete budget/cost summary will be included for your own planning needs.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Day 4 continued Hershey Pennsylvania Chocolate Factory!

In 1993, I went to Hershey PA with my graduating class and always said "I am going to bring my husband and kids here someday!"  Well, the time had come!  Gregg had always kinda wondered what my big draw was to Pennsylvania and why I wanted to go back so badly.  After driving into PA and seeing all the trees and hills, etc he understood!

We had a very full and fun day planned and this was the second part of it.  Renita and her children joined us in a trip to the Hershey chocolate factory.  It was a bit of a cool day, but we switched one girl into each other's vehicles and off we went!

 My oh my these children are funny and how easily our girls just fell into step with them.  It brings tears to my eyes now just typing about it.  Our little conversations about how we say "house" and other words differently and talking about music and animals and everything possible.  Oh so many giggles.  Even Kate, age 16, was having a blast with the "younger" ones.  The boys were a hoot, telling their stories!  We'll never look at a turkey the same again Guy and Darien!

 Gregg thought my cheeks must be getting sore, he said I had a permanent grin on my face the whole time.  My heart was full of thanksgiving and joy!

A chocolate factory wouldn't be very good if they didn't hand out free samples of course.
Down we went to the tour area.  This is the free tour.  There are other things to do, but we're cheap and ... honest that we are cheap!  ha
You sit in a little car and go through the chocolate making process.  From bean to mixing to packaging.
The tour was so much fun that we did it twice!

The singing cows... telling you all about how milk is important for chocolate making

This young gentlemen had a very precise system to how he handed out your chocolate bar after your tour.  Grab 3 chocolate bars.  Move 2 to the one hand.  Give the other 1 to the customer.  So why then did one special lady get extra? Maybe he just got confused, as I'm sure he wouldn't give special treatment.

Reese's Cups Hats were a good place for Steve & Bertha to sneak in a tour themselves

I was in chocolate dream land ~ unsure of what to choose!  Oh good!

This kind of kissing is okay before you're married?

Q: How do you go a CHOCOLATE FACTORY and not get a sugar rush or tummy ache?
A: Share your sugar junk!

I think Gregg was wondering why we didn't have three boys as well.

This little man made a big man's heart melt when he said "you're my friend" could anyone resist?

I told Mei to go ahead and buy 1 of anything that she had never seen before.  It was fun to discover which chocolate bars are similar but go by different names in the US as compared to Canada.

Made in Canada!  Hee hee

So many options, so little time!
 We stopped for fuel on the way home and the twins had to go buy candy!  Orange Tic Tacs.

Hershey chocolate $46.42
Leesport, PA fuel $77

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